Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Past few days..

I would say the past few days were pretty interesting, and also hectic.
- Saturday; Keroppi's birthday party was on Saturday. It was one of the most fun events we've had at the store so far, although I had a terrible morning that day. Being in the Hello Kitty suit pretty much made my day, it's a lot more fun than it sounds, you get a lot of looooove.
- Sunday; Seriously, I thought Sunday was amazing. I really thought that it made up for the bad morning I had on Saturday. It was reeeally chill. Just went to church, watched a movie, went to Tanforan for a meet up (yayyyyy) and had a meeting at work (which was the reeeeally amazing part). We played some game at the meeting to test our knowledge of the store, and I won 8 prizes. 8)
- Monday; Stonefaceeeeee. First day of the July quarter and one baaaad day at work.
- Today; FINALLY saw The Dark Knight and FINALLLLY hung out with my bfffffffffff <3<3<3

Jimmy, I hate you

Yayyy, I'm out of the suit finally

I loooooove Miette




Akina1021 said...

lol got the claw picture :D haha hella attacking me WTF =P

rockthesole said...

Looks like you had fun on keroppi's birthday. Mmm the treats look yummy.

.. said...

deeelicious goodies!

Anonymous said...

Great work.