Friday, December 28, 2007


It's almost fucking 4 in the morning, and I'm not sleepy. SMH. It's been a really crazy week. -___- My parents got some stuff out of the storage room while I was work the other day and I found these..

I found these on my fucking bed when I came home from work.. scared the shit out of me. Slutty ass Barbies T__T

And this was on the water dispenser when I went to the kitchen last night to get some food.. HELLA scared me.

The new Monokoro Boo stuff at Maido!

I bought this.. replace this

I don't think I can replace it though.. it's too cute!


monica. said...

lol at the bear on the trashcan. and i need that baby boo stuff. so cute!

Anonymous said...

LOL that bear WOULD scare u hahahahaha